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The WHS module contains a Licenses table for storing data such as which employees posses a forklift license, white card, blue card, etc. Rapid system will also notify the WHS team when an employee's license will soon expire.

Licenses Table

The Licenses table can be access by:

  1. Selecting WHS in the Sidebar
  2. Selecting Licenses in the flyout panel that opens

A screenshot of the menu buttons that must be pressed in order to access the "Licenses" table. The first button is a folder in the sidebar titled "WHS" and has an icon of a heart with an ECG line through its centre. The link to the table reads "Licenses" and has an icon of an ID card. Both items that have been pressed have a white background with blue text (as opposed to the unpressed menu items, which have a blue background and white text).

By default, the Licenses table will contain the following information:

A screenshot of the licenses table. This screenshot is used to show the reader how the licenses table will appear, and the types of information it will display. The table contains the following column headers: "Name", "License Code", "Employee", "License Type", "Status", and "Expiry Date".

Creating License Items

To create a new License record:

  1. Navigate to the Licenses data table (this process is outlined above)
  2. Press the New License button in the table's Command Bar

A screenshot showing the location and appearance of the "New License" button in the License table's Command Bar. The button reads "New License" and has an icon of an ID card. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the button.

  1. The New License create screen will open in a side panel
  2. Enter the details of the License
  3. Press + Create or Create and Open at the top of the side panel

A screenshot of the "New License" create screen. At the top is a large navy header that reads "New License". There is also a cross in the upper left corner for closing the side panel. Underneath is the usual command strip buttons which read: "+ Create", "Create and Open", and "Undo Changes". Beneath this are the fields for the license record: "Employee", "License Type", "Expiry Date", and "Additional Details".

Adding New License Types

As a user, you may wish to add new types of licenses. This can be accomplished by pressing the License Type lookup field when creating a new license, or editing a license on its item page.

The lookup menu that opens will allow you to select a type of license, or add a new type of license by pressing the + New License Type at the bottom of the menu.

A screenshot of the License Type lookup menu. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the "+New License Type" button at the bottom of the menu.

License Type

This is a table in Rapid Standard that cannot be accessed via the Sidebar, as its items will rarely require editing. If you need to remove a License Type, or view the table, this can be accomplished by finding the table in Designer.

Viewing License Items

You can access, view, or edit individual incident items by opening them from the Licenses table. When a License record is opened, the details page is structured as illustrated below:

A screenshot of the Licenses details page. The purpose of this screenshot is to demonstrate what information can be recorded when creating a license record. There are three main sections on the page, which are outlined below.

The License page contains the following sections:

AttachmentA photo or photocopy of the license can be attached to the item here.
General DetailsThis section contains fields for recording information about the License, such as: the Employee it is assigned to, Expiry Date for the License, License Type, Status, and Additional Details.
License TimelineComments, reminders, and updates to the item are recorded here.

License Renewal Reminders

Rapid Standard comes packaged with a Workflow Process that is designed to send reminders to the WHS team when an employee's license will expire in 1 month's time.

For this reminder to occur, an accurate date must be entered into the Expiry Date field in the License item.

The reminder will appear as a Task, and will be assigned to the WSH team.